Asafoetida tincture


What is Asafoetida?

Asafoetida is a plant that tastes bitter. It is sometimes called "devil's dung." People use asafoetida resin, a gum-like material, as medicine. Asafoetida resin is produced by solidifying juice that comes out of cuts made in the plant's living roots. 

Health benefits: 

- Helps support bowel health. 
- Anti-inflammatory. 
- Anti-viral. 
- Helps support respiratory health. 
- Helps support circulation. 
- Helps combat menstrual symptoms. 
- Helps support skin health. 
- Helps support hair health. 
- Anti-bacterial. 
- Helps combat depression. 
- Helps combat fatigue. 
- Helps support sexual health. 



2 = Vegetable glycerine & distilled water 

1 = Product 




Vegetable glycerine (derived from rapeseed) 

Distilled water 



3-5 Full droppers per day or 3-5 teaspoons per day.